Tributes to Gopiparanadhana Prabhu

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His Holiness Lokanath Swami

Gopiparanadhana Prabhu

Just now returned at 7:00 PM from the funeral ceremony of our beloved Godbrother Sriman Gopiparanadhana Prabhu at Govardhana. They bade his body at about 3:00 PM; offered bhoga and arati to him and with the kirtan procession carried his body on the Govardhana Parikrama marg, passed by Manasi Ganga, to the cremation place. Many local residents, especially in the first beginning stretch, were stepping out of their shop or home and offering their humble respect to him.

At the cremation place they laid down his body on cow dung patties, of course from the cows of Vraja. They put more patties on the side and the top until his body was fully covered. His teenage son was the first one to light the funeral fire. After that I also lit the fire and many others did this.

The cool and gentle breeze was flowing from the Kusum Sarovar's side which was helping in fanning the fire. While kirtan was going on we started circumambulating the fire. Suddenly it started to rain gently, which was amazing and auspicious.

There were about 100 devotees, Prabhus and Matajis, in attendance. Several senior devotees were present, like Sruta Kirti Prabhu, Panca Gaura Prabhu, Kratu Prabhu, Radha Raman Swami, Janardana Prabhu, etc. Devotees traveled from nearby places, especially from New Delhi.

In the past Gopiparanadhana Prabhu had disclosed his will in person to his wife that his ashes to be put in Samadhi at the foothill of Govardhana, across the ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Ashram Govardhana project, next to Padmalochan Prabhu's Puspa Samadhi.

Tomorrow morning, 16th September, at 8:00 AM his remembrance and glorification has been scheduled in Krishna Balarama temple in Vrindavan. Anyone who would like to share their memories/glories of Gopiparanadhana Prabhu could send it to my email account:
Whatever will arrive by that time, we will share that with the assembled devotees.  

There will be a feast in honor of Gopiparanadhana Prabhu. Gopal Krishna Maharaja has offered to sponsor the feast.  

His Grace Gopiparanadhana Prabhu Ki Jaya.  

Your servant, 
Lokanath Swami

His Holiness Radhanath Swami

Gopiparanadhana Prabhu

I am beside myself with grief and am speechless while trying to digest the reality that His Grace Gopiparanadhana Prabhu has been taken away by Krishna. Krishna’s plan is always perfect but when it manifests in the passing away of such an intimate, loving Godbrother as Gopiparanadhana Prabhu it is painful. But our solace is in our deep confidence that he has attained the ultimate perfection of life, entrance into Radha Giridhari’s eternal lila.
Gopiparanadhana Prabhu was an all-attractive personality who inspired deep bhakti into our society. He was a profound scholar of Sanskrit who had studied the scriptures and commentaries of the greatest Acaryas and could translate, lecture and teach like no other. Yet he was genuinely humble, unassuming and eager to offer all respect to others. Although he was an intellectual and devotional giant, he never thought of himself as anything more than a servant of a servant of a servant.
Tears of gratitude are falling as I meditate on Goiparanadhana Prabhu’s love, faith and loyalty to Srila Prabhupada. In all of his study and research into the inner mysteries of the Sanskrit texts and commentaries, foremost he appreciated the brilliance, authenticity and compassion of our beloved Srila Prabhupada’s presentation.
He realized that every word of the Vedic literatures were a confirmation of Srila Prabhupada’s perfect teachings and he dedicated his life to share that realization. He saw all the scriptures through the eyes of our beloved Guru Maharaja and saw the divine grace of Srila Prabhupada through the eyes of all the scriptures. Only one who is immensely blessed by Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara could have such faith. I cry and pray for his mercy.
In his gentle, humble way Gopiparanadhana Prabhu had unshakable determination. He pushed forward his Sanskrit academy at Govardhana in the face of a lack of funding, manpower or interest. Harsh winters, burning summers and very poor health could not discourage him from giving his heart to teach others the priceless gift he was entrusted with. Although an empowered guru, translator and commentator of Vaisnava siddhanta, he sat and ate the same simple prasada with his students.
Wherever he shared our Gaudiya teachings, be it India, Russia, America, Europe or anywhere else, Gopiparanadhana Prabhu had an irresistible effect in attracting devotees hearts. He was like a full moon among vaisnavas ever shining with the soothing light of his devotional qualities.
In his departure a great loss has fallen upon the world. At the same time the treasured legacy of the literatures he left for us, his students and his rare example are with us forever. For this we can be grateful and happy.
I offer my sincerest love and gratitude to our dear Godbrother, Gopiparanadhana Prabhu and offer my heartfelt condolences to his beautiful family.
By H.H. Radhanath Swami

His Holiness Sivarama Swami

Gopiparanadhana Prabhu Offering by HH Sivarama Swami

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